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Ceramics courses for adults

The bilingual (English and Italian) classes are for 4-8 people so each student receives personal attention. Beginners are welcome and you will find that it is inspiring to see some of the advanced students at work too. 

Hand-building and modelling techniques include pinching, coiling, slab construction, modelling in the round and in low and high relief. In addition to decoration on greenware (sgraffito (incision), impression, Mishima (inlay with coloured slips), paper resist, slips, oxides and underglazes), a range of glazing techniques is available including maiolica, mezza maiolica, transparent and coloured transparent glazes, mid-range and high-fire glazes. 

We offer low-fire terracotta and maiolica clay as well as stoneware and porcelain. Click for info on                            .

Le lezioni bilingue per tutti i livelli sono per 4-8 persone in modo che ogni studente è seguito personalmente.

Le tecniche di costruzione e modellazione includono pinching, colombino, la lastra, modellazione a tutto tondo e basso ed alto rilievo. Decorazione in primo fuoco, graffito, incisione, impressione, Mishima (intarsio con ingobbi colorati), riserva con carta, ingobbi, ossidi e underglazes). In secondo fuoco, le tecniche di smaltatura comprendono la maiolica, la mezza maiolica, le cristalline colorate, e gli smalti ad alta temperatura. L'argilla disponibile include sia la terracotta e la terraglia per bassa temperatura e grès e porcellana. Clicchi qui per info sui                            .   

Adult classes are on Wednesdays from 18-20:30, Thursdays from 10:30-13. For potential students, we offer the possibility to come to just one class as a trial, paying just €45.
The cost for 4 consecutive lessons for adults is €120. There is also an annual membership fee of €30. If you miss a class, it is possible to make up one class, attending a class at a different time (within the next month).  The cost includes use of all of the equipment in the equipment and tools in the studio plus materials for low-fire ceramics. There will be a supplement for high-fire materials. Firing is not included and is based on volume. For people who cannot commit to 4 consecutive classes, we offer 6 non-consecutive classes for €200. The classes must be completed within 4 months.
Le lezioni per adulti si tengono mercoledì sera dalle 18 alle 20:30 e giovedì mattina dalle 10:30 alle 13.  Per i corsi abbiamo una formula di 4 lezioni consecutive di 2,5 ore. Il costo è di €120. Puoi recuperare un assenza al mese venendo in un altro orario. Il costo include tutti i materiali di bassa temperatura ma non la cottura. Per alta temperatura, si compra la creta da noi direttamente. Richiediamo anche l'iscrizione annuale di €30 alla nostra associazione. Per le persone che non possono aderire alle lezioni consecutive, abbiamo un offerta di 6 lezioni non consecutive per €200. Le lezioni devono essere completati entro 4 mesi.
What a great mix of techniques in adult classes!

A typical class could include modelling a sculpture in the round or in relief, another student working with coiling, another using slabs and others glazing. Sometimes we concentrate on a single technique, such as coiling or modelling sculpture in three-dimensions. In addition to decoration on greenware (sgraffito (incision), impression, Mishima (inlay with coloured slips), paper resist and underglaze), a range of glazing techniques is available including maiolica, mezza maiolica, mid- and high-fire glazes. 

We offer low-fire terracotta and maiolica clay as well as stoneware and porcelain.


Private & semi-private lessons on the wheel, too!


If you would like how to work on the wheel, we offer private and semi-private lessons. You get individualised attention as you develop your skills.


via dei Delfini, 16/17

00186 Rome, ITALY ​


Office: +390689827701

Cell: +393456178232

Cell: +393335700674






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