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"Meditations on high speed rail"

Enrique Tochez Anderson

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Drawing inspiration from Rome’s rich history of ceramic production and its wealth of architecture, ornaments and art collections, my Rome works expand upon an interest in the vessel forms. This focus is part of a visual language that runs throughout both my ceramic and painting practices. 

The combination of painting and ceramics provides a dynamic where each medium reflects and informs the other. The spontaneous painted gestures I work with- based on the use of rudimentary actions- provide a reference point for sculptural forms. The manipulation of clay through pressing, smoothing and editing draws parallels to the gestural way in which I paint. 

Vessel forms are metamorphosed, distorted and re-composed – weight is shifted, surface inflexions are emphasised. The drawn or painted gesture is echoed in the contours and indents made by hand and tool in the pots.


Enrique Tochez Anderson completed a Bachelor of Fine Art at RMIT University in 2008. He has a studio based practice focusing on both painting and ceramics in Melbourne. Enrique has exhibited his work extensively in both solo and group contexts including a recent solo exhibition at Neospace in Melbourne. His works currently explore ideas related to ornament and gesture. 


via dei Delfini, 16/17

00186 Rome, ITALY ​


Office: +390689827701

Cell: +393456178232

Cell: +393335700674






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