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Meet Kukuli Velarde and Doug Herren

Lori-Ann Touchette

Kukuli Velarde (Peru) and Doug Herren (USA) AIR 2018 are our artists in residence for today. Kukuli and Doug worked on a collaborative project entitled “Recipocity”.:“We are joining our aesthetics, so different from each other, as a metaphor of a symmetrical coexistence of histories, and we are using our daughter's face as a symbol of our cultural, artistic and personal partnership, her as a new life and an extension of ours. Cultural coexistence might seem a chimera of sorts where there is no supremacy of one culture over another but a real balance of power, respect, and love. We are in essence the ideal partnership of equals, which can be done…” @cretarome #artistresidencyrome #anartistinresidenceaday #ceramicresidencyprogram #dougherren #kukulivelarde

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